Catch Our Drift
The podcast for people who love the sea. Join Oliver Steeds and Helen Scales every two weeks for 10 episodes as they set off on a journey to explore the massive, life-giving and vital ocean. They will be examining how the ocean seeps into so many parts of all of our lives by talking with chefs, film makers, actors, writers, athletes, astronauts and more. Each episode there will be uplifting, inspiring and surprising stories about the sea. They'll investigate ocean problems but also look at the solutions and be asking what each of us can do to help fix the many urgent issues and help to protect the sea.
Catch Our Drift
Seaspiracy and Eating Fish?
Have you watched Seaspiracy on Netflix? Love it or loathe it, it has certainly got people talking about the issue of overfishing…. Many have now pledged to give up eating fish, others are outraged by what they see as inaccuracies and misrepresentation of the issues around fishing and sustainability. So of course, we have to talk about it on a longer then normal Catch Our Drift. We’ll be discussing the film and also about some of the most inspiring and innovating sustainable fishing stories we have found from around the globe.