Catch Our Drift
The podcast for people who love the sea. Join Oliver Steeds and Helen Scales every two weeks for 10 episodes as they set off on a journey to explore the massive, life-giving and vital ocean. They will be examining how the ocean seeps into so many parts of all of our lives by talking with chefs, film makers, actors, writers, athletes, astronauts and more. Each episode there will be uplifting, inspiring and surprising stories about the sea. They'll investigate ocean problems but also look at the solutions and be asking what each of us can do to help fix the many urgent issues and help to protect the sea.
Catch Our Drift
Deep Sea Mining
This is the final episode of this season of Catch Our Drift and it’s all about the deep ocean, and whether we should be mining it?
Not so long ago, people genuinely thought the deep ocean was a vast void space empty of life. But as scientists have explored deeper, it’s become clear that there’s life all the way down to the very greatest depths many miles beneath the waves. And there are also great mineral riches down there. And there are plans in the pipeline for mining the seabed. Dr Diva Amon tells us more about what is at the very bottomof the ocean and why this remote, unseen part of th planet matters to us all. And we ask Gerard Baron, Chairman and CEO of the The Metals Company, about his company’splans to open the world’s first deep seabed mines.